Shopping the post-Christmas sales is a bit of a guilty pleasure for many. I mean, after opening a bonanza of brightly wrapped boxes the day before, who can really claim they need to buy anything? Now, if your holiday cache consists mostly of those thin plastic squares known as gift cards, then you can be forgiven. (However, the person who gave them to you will not be. Talk about thoughtless.)
This year, I decided to shop online on Dec. 26 at one of my fave retail sites: I sneakily thought this would allow me to get an early start since the sale would likely hit the site at 12:01 a.m. I loaded up my cart with goodies and waited for the witching hour. It came and went with no sale. I foolishly went to bed and when I checked the site the next morning just about every item in my cart was "no longer available" online.
This is the price of greed.
I ended up at the mall, where I was able to fight off the crazies and score several rolls of the Marimekko gift wrap.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The new year cometh
Holiday greetings, my dear logettes. I'm sorry I've been away for so long. Vacationing, as it were, on winter break south of the border, er, I mean in South Florida.
The sun was shining, the water was warm, the palm trees were aglow and snowbirds were in swarm. (I was never a poet, but I won't let rhyme be my reason to stop trying.)
Anyways, I'm back bitches. So, what did you get for Christmukkahzaa?
The sun was shining, the water was warm, the palm trees were aglow and snowbirds were in swarm. (I was never a poet, but I won't let rhyme be my reason to stop trying.)
Anyways, I'm back bitches. So, what did you get for Christmukkahzaa?
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Spring training

Isn't it a little early for daffodils? What about gauzy beach dresses and sandals? Last I checked it was just above freezing outside and my neighbor's yard was full of twinkling multicolor lights. A sure giveaway that this is winter. (I guess the lights could be in honor of Cinco de Mayo, but my neighbor's a pretty traditional guy.)
The catalogs must have their calendar on fast forward, because in the midst of the holiday madness, a little spring sprouted in my mailbox. Spring 2008 -- Be The First to Shop 500 New Styles! How about be the first to freeze to death in next season's margarita tankini!
Seriously, I'm sure this has something to do with "resort" season - that time of year when everyone has a cruise or cabana booked in the Caribbean -- everyone except me. So I don't do resortwear in December. I do cashmere. And layers, lots of layers. Christmas lights and fluffy white stuff called snow.
Spring can wait.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Saturday Shopping List - Foodie edition

If only we all had time to stay at home and bake cookies. Most of us don't. Which makes us mad. But then we eat a stale, store-bought brownie and move on. At the holidays, food gifts are plentiful - lots of pots o gold to go around. But why not go a bit more out of the ordinary in your grub giving? Take a bite out of these tasty items I found in my holiday crop of special order food catalogs.
1. Fanny May Pixies : : Like Turtles on steroids. Chocolate, caramel, pecans. Crunchy addiction that's better to give than receive : : $29.99,
2. Royal Pears and Honeybell Oranges : : Naturally juicy and oh so healthy. Aim your order to arrive in January when everyone's trying to kickstart their diets. : : Pears at; honeybells at
3. Olive Press Infused Olive Oil : : Olives with a twist. Freshly pressed and grown onsite at their farm in Sonoma, California. Choose from basil walnut or blood orange or liminato or many, many more. : : $18,
4. Peet's Holiday Coffee : : Peet's holiday blend is eagerly anticipated, but any of their coffees (or teas) would be a good pick. Major Dickason's is my fave. : : $9.95-$12.95 per pound,
5. Collins Street Fruitcake : : OK. We know all the jokes, but some people appreciate an old-fashioned fruitcake (think grandma). And this Texas bakery delivers the best you've ever not tasted. : : $21.85,
Monday, November 26, 2007
Welcome to CyberMonday
If you didn't get everything on your list in the 3-day shopping-gasm after Thanksgiving, don't cry, big girl. Dry your tears and head for the computer for today's biggest online shopping day. Lots of free shipping offers, online-only deals and other cyber craziness.
I plan to hit up my favorite catalog sites, just to see what I'm missing. After last weekend, my feet hurt and my credit cards are on life support. But I'm sure you have room in your budget, darlings. So cyber-skidaddle.
I plan to hit up my favorite catalog sites, just to see what I'm missing. After last weekend, my feet hurt and my credit cards are on life support. But I'm sure you have room in your budget, darlings. So cyber-skidaddle.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Black Saturday Shopping List
I know y'all are exhausted from chasing the early bird around your local mall. After all, "Black Friday" is the shopping holy day - even for log lovers. So I admit to cheating a bit yesterday and heading out to catch a few deals. I won't be fighting the crowds every weekend - I still plan to let my fingers do the walking. And so should you, darling. But now that the holiday shopping season has officially begun, I know how hard it is to resist a little group retail therapy. So here are my five tips for surviving the madness at the malls.
1. Make a list : : Avoid the temptation to browse. Go with a plan in hand and know exactly what you want to get for Sister Suzy, Uncle John, etc
2. Go early in the morning or late at night : : Go home, put dinner on the table, get the kids in bed and then head for the mall around 9 pm
3. Read the sale papers : : And if you want something specific, bring along the flier or clip it out so you can show it to the salesperson to verify price etc.
4. Look for mall rewards : : Some malls offer cash back if you use a specific credit card. It's like free money!
5. Avoid the food court : : This is where the great unwashed gathers to rest their weary whatevers. But not us. We don't need the temptation of Aunt Annie's - after all, we've got fit into a great dress for New Year's Eve.
1. Make a list : : Avoid the temptation to browse. Go with a plan in hand and know exactly what you want to get for Sister Suzy, Uncle John, etc
2. Go early in the morning or late at night : : Go home, put dinner on the table, get the kids in bed and then head for the mall around 9 pm
3. Read the sale papers : : And if you want something specific, bring along the flier or clip it out so you can show it to the salesperson to verify price etc.
4. Look for mall rewards : : Some malls offer cash back if you use a specific credit card. It's like free money!
5. Avoid the food court : : This is where the great unwashed gathers to rest their weary whatevers. But not us. We don't need the temptation of Aunt Annie's - after all, we've got fit into a great dress for New Year's Eve.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Saturday Shopping List - Got turkey?
It's time for the Big Eat. To be followed closely by the Big Sleep, as we well know. But with Thanksgiving just days away - are you ready for the in-laws? If you're hosting dinner, here are a few items that may come in handy - in addition to the brandy and other numbing agents. It's probably a little late to order, but there's always overnight shipping. Come on, you know your in-laws are worth it. Well, pretend they are.
1. Silicone prep and mixing bowls : : After all, who hasn't wanted to throw a few dishes on Thanksgiving? This way, nothing breaks and no one gets hurt. : : Chefs, $24.99-39.99
2. Hand-hammered chafing dishes with wrought iron stands : : Keeping the food hot prevents the conversation from getting too cold. : : Grandin Road, $149-$299
3. Mercury glass candleholders : : These are way too pretty to throw - unless Uncle Al pinches your ass again : : Smith&Hawken, $16-$24
4. Cheesecake Party Wheel : : If the turkey burns or, say drops on your significant other's foot by accident, let em eat cake : : Harry & David, $36.95
5. Taffetta holiday plaid wrap shirt : : Hey, a girl's gotta look good even while dishing out the gravy : : Coldwater Creek, $69.50
1. Silicone prep and mixing bowls : : After all, who hasn't wanted to throw a few dishes on Thanksgiving? This way, nothing breaks and no one gets hurt. : : Chefs, $24.99-39.99
2. Hand-hammered chafing dishes with wrought iron stands : : Keeping the food hot prevents the conversation from getting too cold. : : Grandin Road, $149-$299
3. Mercury glass candleholders : : These are way too pretty to throw - unless Uncle Al pinches your ass again : : Smith&Hawken, $16-$24
4. Cheesecake Party Wheel : : If the turkey burns or, say drops on your significant other's foot by accident, let em eat cake : : Harry & David, $36.95
5. Taffetta holiday plaid wrap shirt : : Hey, a girl's gotta look good even while dishing out the gravy : : Coldwater Creek, $69.50
Come in from the cold

I always think of Coldwater Creek as appealing to a woman of a certain age - certainly older than me. But I was skimming through their holiday catalog and fell in love with outfit after outfit. (Horrible thought: Am I getting old - maybe my eyes are going?)
Regardless, I love the way the log displays its clothes. There are no models, so I don't get distracted by hating some too-perfect leggy blonde type. Instead, I focus on the outfit and can imagine myself in each skirt, dress or blouse. Plus, they do a good job of showing how to accesorize each look. Right now, they're having a sale on dresses - this was my favorite, but looks like it's just about sold out.
If you're not a fan of the Creek, and I don't mean Dawson's, check out their catalog online. It certainly won't disappoint. No matter your age- or style.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Saturday Shopping List - Birthday Edition

OK, darlings, I know I forgot to post a list last Saturday, but slide me some slack. I was celebrating my birthday last weekend and considering the number of candles on my cake, the only thing I should be shopping for is a facelift. Or maybe a fire extinguisher. Let's just say 40 doesn't seem so far away anymore.
So forgive me for shedding my tears in a few too many gin and tonics. I know, I know. Be grateful, count my blessings, blah blah blah. The only thing that could possibly cheer me up is a shopping spree!
1. Dinnerware : : Who says red is the only color for the holidays? How about bright hammered copper, lustrous silver and taupe or iridescent black plates that really set the table for entertaining success. : : Crate & Barrel Holiday, $19.95-$54.95
2. Flip-flop bins and mats : : Summer is so over and so are flip flops. But keep them around in these colorful storage bins and rugged door mats -- made from leftover flip flop material : : Viva Terra, $29-$135
3. Nambe Twist Cocktail Shaker : : Hold the ice. This shaker is made from Nambe metal, a cool alloy that has three times the cold retention of normal metals. Simply freeze for 30 minutes before serving drinks : : Hammacher Schlemmer, $144.95
4. Uglydoll : : With names like Toodee, Ice-Bat and Babo, these fleece dolls are so ugly they're cute : : Garnet Hill, $20
5. Built Two-bottle Tote : : It's party time and this insulated tote makes it easy to BYOB -- or to gift the hostess : : Built NY, $19-20
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Catalog crusaders
It's holiday season, so I knew it wouldn't be long till someone started bitching about the number of logs in their box. That bitch turns out to be the Natural Resources Defense Council. Some of their greenie friends have created a web site where the whiners can go to "opt out" of specific catalogs. No, I'm not naming it, but you can get it here.
So far LL Bean, Lands End, Pottery Barn and Victoria's Secret are the logs most people chose to opt out of. I guess people don't realize that several catalogs, including Pottery Barn and Victoria's Secret, now use recycled paper.
I really don't have a problem with the environment. I love fresh air, clean water and polar bears. (Especially that little Knut in Germany.) But I hate getting saddled with a guilt trip because I enjoy catalogs. So what if it takes 53 million trees to produce them. I've planted like six trees in my yard this year - that should help.
If I didn't have catalogs, I'd spend every weekend driving from mall to strip plaza to outlet center just to browse. How much gas would that burn? I'm guessing alot of fossils, fools.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The moo-log

When I think about charity, the first thing that comes to mind is not a catalog. And when I think about making a donation, I don't usually think about heifers. (After all, I don't own any heifers. But I do know a few!) But there's a group that's combining catalogs and cows to do good in the world.
The Heifer International Gift Catalog allows you to send a gift of livestock, such as goats, chickens, cows, pigs, sheep and rabbits, to a family or community in need. The livestock is used to help create sustainable farming or to provide nutrition and income for families in villages around the world.
For example, the gift of a dairy goat ($120) can supply a family with several quarts of milk each day. Some of it they can take for themselves; the rest they can use to make cheese, butter or yogurt to sell at market. In addition, they can use goat manure to fertilize gardens, helping to create even more food for their table and the community as a whole. They can also breed the goat and sell the offspring to other members of the village.
So in many ways it's the gift that keeps on giving. And it's tax deductible. Heifer calls their log the "most important gift catalog in the world." I can't disagree.
Monday, October 29, 2007

I should have kept my big mouth shut. OK, maybe this doesn't have anything to do with me, but the way I see it - everything is about me.
So this weekend, I got my Zappos shoe order. Lickety split, as usual. Free overnight shipping. Free return shipping, if needed, but the shoes I ordered are totally cute - so I'll be steppin in these kicks soon.
But this is not about the shoes. This is about what else was in the box. A catalog! Tucked beneath the shoe box, a slick, beautifully photographed publication called Zappos Life. It's so well done, it's like porn for your feet. It just can't be the first time they've done it.
If you've seen a Zappos catalog before, holler at me. I hate to be the last one to know.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Saturday Shopping List - Free Iggy edition

In honor of Ellen and Iggy, we'll take the dogs out shopping today. Although I'm more of a cat person than a dog person, I can go either way. That's why when I got a catalog called Fetchdog in the mail, I didn't toss it. This doglog has everything a pooch like Iggy could want, much of it made from earth friendly products. Check it out here.
1. Organic Sleeper : : A fluffy dog bed filled with kapok, a goose-down like fiber from a sustainably-harvested tree : : $159-230
2. Automatic Toy & Treat Dispenser : : When you're away, the dog can play for hours with a little help from Kong (watch the video) : : $110
3. Woof cosmetics : : Shampoo, soap, detangler and fur balm - all with botanical extracts. : : $14-16
4. Picadilly collar : : These fashionable collars give your dog a style all his own : : $18-27
5. Spa towels : : For Iggy and Ellen to dry their, it's a bath towel, silly : : $28-34
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Lands' End vs LL Bean: Fleece fight
The weather is still pretty nice, so I almost hate to think about wool and goose down. But as you all know, if you wait too late in the season to find that perfect coat, you end up with some puffy jacket in mustard yellow with green trim. Don't ask, darlings, it was a horrible outerwear nightmare.
I now know better. Much better. But I still find myself dithering between the stadium coat at Lands End and the faux shearling at LL Bean. Over the years, I've ordered more stuff from LE than LL, so I guess it's my favorite by default. LL Bean has more online traffic and is probably better known, according to this analysis. But I figured in the interest of fairness, I would do my own side-by-side comparison. So here goes:
Catalog: √ Lands End has great scenery and smiley people plus hot models
LL Bean has great scenery and smiley people, but the models seem older
Web site: √ Lands End's site is updated frequently with a rotating lineup of hot models and cute kids
LL Bean has a slide show, but the photos are small; the kids
are still cute - and the dogs, too
Service: Lands End orders can be returned at Sears stores, but otherwise you pay return postage
√ LL Bean orders can be returned at their stores, plus you can ship it back for free; they also have free shipping for the holidays
Products: √ Lands End has more trendy clothes plus a virtual model you can dress up
LL Bean has great staples and reliable clothing you can wear for years, but who wants to wear fleece forever?
I now know better. Much better. But I still find myself dithering between the stadium coat at Lands End and the faux shearling at LL Bean. Over the years, I've ordered more stuff from LE than LL, so I guess it's my favorite by default. LL Bean has more online traffic and is probably better known, according to this analysis. But I figured in the interest of fairness, I would do my own side-by-side comparison. So here goes:
Catalog: √ Lands End has great scenery and smiley people plus hot models
LL Bean has great scenery and smiley people, but the models seem older
Web site: √ Lands End's site is updated frequently with a rotating lineup of hot models and cute kids
LL Bean has a slide show, but the photos are small; the kids
are still cute - and the dogs, too
Service: Lands End orders can be returned at Sears stores, but otherwise you pay return postage
√ LL Bean orders can be returned at their stores, plus you can ship it back for free; they also have free shipping for the holidays
Products: √ Lands End has more trendy clothes plus a virtual model you can dress up
LL Bean has great staples and reliable clothing you can wear for years, but who wants to wear fleece forever?
Monday, October 22, 2007
Zapped by love
Shoes are the one thing you can't buy from a catalog. I mean you have to try them on, stand up and give a wiggle to make sure they can handle your stride. At least that's what I thought.
Then I discovered And OMG, it was love at first sight. Sole mates. Now, I don't even bother to glance at a shoe catalog. It would be like cheating. (Though I do occasionally sashay through the shoe department at Nordstrom - on my way to the mall, really, I swear!)
I was thinking that Zappos is so great, they should do a catalog. They'd probably reach more lusty shoe lovers that way. Just a thought. Although, I do hate to share, darling.
Then I discovered And OMG, it was love at first sight. Sole mates. Now, I don't even bother to glance at a shoe catalog. It would be like cheating. (Though I do occasionally sashay through the shoe department at Nordstrom - on my way to the mall, really, I swear!)
I was thinking that Zappos is so great, they should do a catalog. They'd probably reach more lusty shoe lovers that way. Just a thought. Although, I do hate to share, darling.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Saturday (night) shopping list

I do some of my best shopping after midnight, especially online. Everything seems to load much more quickly and I can focus - finally - after everyone is asleep. So here's to a little midnight madness. And here are my Five Favorite Finds for this week.
1. Little black dresses, $295-595 : : Night shifts and sheaths with designer names from Elie Tahari to Missoni : : Neiman Marcus VIT (very important trends)
2. Honey Caramel Bees, $32 : : Handpainted chocolates with salted caramel and basswood honey - please bee mine : : John & Kira's Chocolates
3. Zebra or Leopard Jacquard Towels, $9-29 : : Go a little wild in the shower : : Pottery Barn
4. Metropolitan Museum Advent Calendar, $14.95 : : The holiday countdown has begun whether we like it or not : : The Met Store
5. Leaf night light, $39 : : Because the night belongs to us : : Viva Terra
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Here's a couple of words that don't normally appear in the same sentence: politics and catalogs.
I know you're gagging right now, but let me explain before heave up your Kung Pao.
The New York Times writes in a story today about the effect of Iowa and New Hampshire moving up their primaries/caucuses/whatever to dates that may coincide with the holiday season. Apparently, the candidates are very concerned about a Christmas/Chanukkah campaign and some say they may have to change the way they do things. For example, no direct mail because they don't want to compete with the holiday catalogs.
Now, I'd love to say - in the spirit of democracy - that there's plenty of room in my mailbox for catalogs and campaign literature. But in reality, not so much.
If I have to chose between propaganda and Pottery Barn, you can guess which gets my vote.
I know you're gagging right now, but let me explain before heave up your Kung Pao.
The New York Times writes in a story today about the effect of Iowa and New Hampshire moving up their primaries/caucuses/whatever to dates that may coincide with the holiday season. Apparently, the candidates are very concerned about a Christmas/Chanukkah campaign and some say they may have to change the way they do things. For example, no direct mail because they don't want to compete with the holiday catalogs.
Now, I'd love to say - in the spirit of democracy - that there's plenty of room in my mailbox for catalogs and campaign literature. But in reality, not so much.
If I have to chose between propaganda and Pottery Barn, you can guess which gets my vote.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Bags of fun

I love these purses. OK, it's a treat bag, not a handbag, but it's still totally cute. I don't care if it's in the Pottery Barn Kids catalog. It's only $7.99 and it has free shipping-if you order by Oct.25.
My favorite is the puffy dragon - reminds me of an ex- boyfriend.
If you're thinking about it for the kids, the treat bags do have matching costumes. But they start at $59. But you don't have to order them together, so if you're battling the budget, just get the ghostly treat bag and drop a sheet over the kid's head. She won't know the difference.
Just don't forget to cut a hole in it for breathing, mommy.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Just got back late yesterday from the Cradle of Liberty. I was certainly rocked by Newbury Street. And since I took the liberty of stuffing my face at Quincy Market, I guess Boston's slogan is right on.
I came home to mailbox full of logs. Some 22 to be exact. I hope the mailman didn't strain his back. Although, I'll probably strain my eyes late into the night, catching up with the catalog craziness.
Log love, it ain't easy.
I came home to mailbox full of logs. Some 22 to be exact. I hope the mailman didn't strain his back. Although, I'll probably strain my eyes late into the night, catching up with the catalog craziness.
Log love, it ain't easy.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Saturday shopping list - Newbury Street Edition

Pahk the cah, dahlings, it's time to get out and stroll along one of the grandest and most historic promenades in Boston. In just two miles, you can go from high-fashion to hipster heaven. I walked it - in the rain - and here are my Five Favorite Finds of the week from Newbury Street.
1. Burberry : : Design your own trench coat from a series of patterns, colors and lining options (or just buy an umbrella, like I did): : 2 Newbury Street
2. Johnny Cupcakes : : You can't eat these, but you can wear them. Cool sweatshirts and t-shirts with trendy cupcake themes. : : 279 Newbury Street
3. Sabon : : Soaps, candles, body oils, bubble bath. Smells expensive, but it's not. : : 129 Newbury Street
4. Maha Barsom : : This local fashionista tricks out white shirts a thousand different ways : : 127 Newbury Street
5. Madura Paris : : Tres chic French linens, tablecloths and home accessories : : 144 Newbury Street
Friday, October 12, 2007
In the land of Chadwick
That's right, logettes, this weekend I am visiting Bean Town, home of one of the most widely circulated catalogs of women's apparel: Chadwick's of Boston.
The catalog reaches about 11 million households, but not mine. Nope, I've banned it from my mailbox. Why? First of all, my grandmother orders from it and she's so old she could have shagged Paul Revere, so her style is a little, um, dated. And second of all - wait, isn't that reason enough?
Anyways, I plan to spend the weekend away from my dear logs. Instead, I'm going to do some wicked (window) shopping on that famous Boston promenade. Check back tomorrow for the Saturday Shopping List -- Newbury Street edition.
The catalog reaches about 11 million households, but not mine. Nope, I've banned it from my mailbox. Why? First of all, my grandmother orders from it and she's so old she could have shagged Paul Revere, so her style is a little, um, dated. And second of all - wait, isn't that reason enough?
Anyways, I plan to spend the weekend away from my dear logs. Instead, I'm going to do some wicked (window) shopping on that famous Boston promenade. Check back tomorrow for the Saturday Shopping List -- Newbury Street edition.
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Museum catalogs are a breed apart. I don't get to Chicago or New York nearly enough, so when the Metropolitan Museum of Art or the Art Institute send out their annual holiday gift catalogs, I like to sit back, sip a cup of tea and let the culture wash over me. Pretty sad, huh?
I could get off my ass and hoof it down to a local museum and thereby support local artists and such. But screw that. I'm the Catalogette.
And I support culture and the arts by ordering museum-quality jewelry, ties and lovely silk-screened scarfs.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Columbus returns
The Catalogette enjoyed a super pseudo holiday yesterday but she bemoaned the lack of log delivery. Instead of flicking her way through some hot new layouts, she was hustling her way through the warm and not-so-friendly crowds at the mall. Why you ask?
Catalog return. Ugh.
If only there was some way to try stuff on, say, in a cyberspace fitting room, then returns would be obsolete. I wouldn't have to wait amid the great shopping unwashed, delicately tapping my toes and furiously rolling my eyes, while you tell the sales person your catalog horror story.
To make it easier for me, I offer you a sampling of The Catalogette's Rules of Return Engagements:
1) Have your receipt or invoice; if you don't have the receipt, don't bother, just give the item as a gift or donation. But by no means should you hold up the line while the sales person picks up the phone to hunt down your order.
2) Don't reorder at the desk. They have the same catalogs you have at home. Order on your own time, not mine.
3) Don't pick up your order in the catalog department. Don't you have an address? A home? A shelter? Let the postman deliver it -- he always rings twice!
Catalog return. Ugh.
If only there was some way to try stuff on, say, in a cyberspace fitting room, then returns would be obsolete. I wouldn't have to wait amid the great shopping unwashed, delicately tapping my toes and furiously rolling my eyes, while you tell the sales person your catalog horror story.
To make it easier for me, I offer you a sampling of The Catalogette's Rules of Return Engagements:
1) Have your receipt or invoice; if you don't have the receipt, don't bother, just give the item as a gift or donation. But by no means should you hold up the line while the sales person picks up the phone to hunt down your order.
2) Don't reorder at the desk. They have the same catalogs you have at home. Order on your own time, not mine.
3) Don't pick up your order in the catalog department. Don't you have an address? A home? A shelter? Let the postman deliver it -- he always rings twice!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
The Saturday Shopping List for late sleepers

So much fun last night, I almost forgot to shop. But I dragged myself outta bed - for a moment - to get my laptop and reflect upon a week's worth of logs. It's been a busy one and I can tell you that I'm still stuck on Neiman's e-catalog. I don't have the tree version yet, but the online one is kickin my ass. I love it! I'll never own a damn thing in it, just like last year, but hey - my love is shallow.
Here are my Five Favorite Finds for this week. Shop and tell, darlings!
1. Hello Kitty Jewelry - The Glam Edition : : Don't be catty about Kimora. She's got it goin on : : Neiman Marcus Christmas Book
2. Covered pumpkin pie dish : : Admit it, you could use some pie : : Crate & Barrel Best Buys
3. Chalet Suede and Faux Shearling Boots : : So cute, yet so sturdy. Perfect for fall//winter : : Lands End
4. Illustrated Cheese Plates, $39.99 : : I love a good gouda : : Chefs Fall 2007
5. Reflexology Rug, $199.95 : : I'm walkin on sunshine, yeah yeah, whatever : : Signals Holiday Preview
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Dream weaver

Disney has published a catalog of dreams. Say what? And I thought the Neiman Marcus Christmas Book was fantasy land.
But no. Disney is king of the magic and they've got the goods to prove it. The log is full of special packages for visitors to Walt Disney World or Disneyland, like a stay at Cinderella's Castle or a chance to be Grand Marshal at one of their cute parades. Sounds expensive, right?
No again, my Goofy friend. It's practically free. All you gotta do is visit a Disney park and you could be one of the lucky winners in the Year of a Million Dreams 2008.
Could happen. Could. .... Yeah, right, dream on sister.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Neiman, my Neiman

What does a cupcake, chocolate syrup and Regis Philbin have in common? Neiman Marcus Christmas Book, of course!
Yesterday's release of the catalog (it's 81st edition, but 100 years of the brick and mortar) launches the holiday shopping season. And it's all e-catalog, so you can click here and fantasize to your heart's content.
Seriously, there's no way I'm buying a $950 celebration cupcake, even if it's Steuben crystal. Probably tastes crunchy. And a Bosco chocolate syrup painting sounds like something a kid could do for quite a bit less than $110,000. Say 10 bucks, Stewie?
But Regis is priceless. Everyone needs a little big daddy.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Neiman Marcus is such a tease

The Neiman Marcus Christmas Book 2007 should be released any day now. Sadly, I don't have any scooplette to share, but I'm certain NM won't disappoint. The ultraluxe retailer never fails to impress the little people with their over-the-top gift ideas. Last year's catalog included a $1.7 million chartered trip to space. Woo-hooo!
It's fantasy island for most of us, but a girl can dream can't she?
UPDATE: Here's the new cover
Come outta the dark
October already? Where did September go?
If you need to shed some light on where your year has gone - "it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness, some historic homie," once said - you might as well get do it with a new lamp. Restoration Hardware can turn you on with their Famous Fall Lighting Sale. Accent lamps, sconces, pendants, bathroom lighting, chandeliers, shades - all on sale with savings of up to $120 on some styles.
The sale only lasts until Oct. 21, so get your log on! I would, if I wasn't on budget, darlings. Really, it has nothing to do with not being able to face the light.
If you need to shed some light on where your year has gone - "it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness, some historic homie," once said - you might as well get do it with a new lamp. Restoration Hardware can turn you on with their Famous Fall Lighting Sale. Accent lamps, sconces, pendants, bathroom lighting, chandeliers, shades - all on sale with savings of up to $120 on some styles.
The sale only lasts until Oct. 21, so get your log on! I would, if I wasn't on budget, darlings. Really, it has nothing to do with not being able to face the light.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Order up! The Saturday Shopping List

It's the weekend, darlings, and you know what that means. Time to blow the budget! I've spent the past week combing the catalogs so you don't have to. Here's a look at The Catalogette's Five Fave Finds from this week. And please remember to order one for me, too!
1. Dooney & Burke Born-to-be-Wild Handbags, $75-$395 : : Some days you just want to get your giraffe on : : Herrington
2. Italian Ceramic Salt Boxes, $29.95 : : Salt is the new sugar, hon : : Sur La Table
3. Raw amber necklace, $190 : : These genuine Baltic stones are hot, hot, hot : : Art Institute of Chicago Gift Catalog 2007
4. Vintage Garden Quilt, $128-$178 : : Reminds me of the ones my great-grandmother made : : Garnet Hill Fall 2007
5. Life-size mummies, $129-$149 : : They'll be the life of the Halloween party : : Grandin Road
Friday, September 28, 2007
Fe-mail fans
I got a new catalog in the mail recently, one I'd never seen before. Hard to believe, I know. I almost skipped over it since the cover design was so awful. And the logo is hideous - under normal circumstances, this log would have been so out.
But I was bored watching Anderson Cooper - usually I could watch this man breathe - so I flipped a few pages and found some pretty cute trinkets that my mom and sister would probably really love. Like a playful plaque that says: My husband needed more space so I locked him outside!
Silly, inspirational, feminine stuff, hence the name: Femail Creations. Check it out, girls.
But I was bored watching Anderson Cooper - usually I could watch this man breathe - so I flipped a few pages and found some pretty cute trinkets that my mom and sister would probably really love. Like a playful plaque that says: My husband needed more space so I locked him outside!
Silly, inspirational, feminine stuff, hence the name: Femail Creations. Check it out, girls.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Pit watch

No, not that Pitt. Yes, he's a hottie - and you can check him out at - but these pits are even hotter.
That's right, fire pits are the must-have fall/winter yard candy. Grandin Road catalog has a good deal on its hand-hammered Copper Firepit - offering $100 savings if you order by October 31.
Check back later for my five fave fire pits.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Secret envy
There was a time when I looked forward to getting a Victoria's Secret catalog. Just thumbing through the pages made me feel sexy. Now it just makes me feel old.
I don't even know why I'm still on their list. (Probably because I order the occasional t-shirt or pajamas in a self-delusional attempt to recapture my perky youth.)
For all you young gals out there, VS has free shipping on orders of $100 or more. Use offer code FA77453 or VSFALL (online). Might as well flaunt it while you got it baby.
I don't even know why I'm still on their list. (Probably because I order the occasional t-shirt or pajamas in a self-delusional attempt to recapture my perky youth.)
For all you young gals out there, VS has free shipping on orders of $100 or more. Use offer code FA77453 or VSFALL (online). Might as well flaunt it while you got it baby.
Frontin with Frontgate

All the mail order deliveries are wearing out the welcome mat on my front doorstep. So I've been shopping for a new one - something with a monogram seems elegant so I turned to Frontgate, the best place for classy home trinkets. But leafing through the catalog, I became obsessed with the front doors shown. They are huge - absolutely oversized, ginormous entries. Makes my front door look like the entrance to a mouse hole.
I'm thinking they photographed this catalog at the Waldorf Astoria or maybe the Vatican. I'm also thinking that unless the mats come in postage stamp sizes, they'll all be way too grand for my brick stoop.
To top it off, the Villa Mat comes with a free companion mat when you buy the larger size (35x70). Sweet. If you buy the smaller size, you get what you paid for plus a free helping of front door envy. Bitter. So very bitter.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Eddie Bauer for shawty and tall

Just got around to going through my fall must-haves catalog from Eddie Bauer and it is sweet. I haven't always been an EB fan, but one winter I was looking for a nice sweater for my long-torso hubby and discovered EB's tall sizes. They fit great!
I ordered him a rugby several years ago and he still won't let it go. It's been in the giveaway pile every year but somehow he sneaks it out. So this year, I'm finally ordering a replacement rugby. (Hey, never said I was as devoted to shopping for him!)
I also love EB's sporty looks for women. I'm more sporty spice than posh spice so their gear is fab for me. They have more buttoned-down stuff, too, but since I'm not a fan of that can't tell you if it's cart-worthy. But I'm in love with this sweater!
UPDATE: Eddie Bauer is offering free shipping through tomorrow. Get your log on soon!
I got the ever-persistent Domestications issue in the mail over the weekend. If there's one log I'd love to toss in a fire pit, this one is it. From their bizarre tiger and horse and cheetah bedspreads to their weird poodle comforters, this is one catalog that's gone wildly astray.
The cover proclaims "America's Authority in Home Fashions." I proclaim hell-to-the-no. Authority revoked.
The cover proclaims "America's Authority in Home Fashions." I proclaim hell-to-the-no. Authority revoked.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Saturday shopping list

It's the weekend, darlings, and you know what that means. Time to shop! Put down that catalog and pick up the phone (for you talkers) or grab the mouse (that sounds like some kinky game you play in middle school, but I digress.)
I've spent the past week combing the catalogs so you don't have to. Here's a look at The Catalogette's Five Fave Finds from this week. And please remember to order responsibly.
1. White Tea Shower Mousse, $22 : : The smell of this mousse will turn him into a tiger : : L"Occitane Autumn
2. Faceted Glass Tumblers, $120 : : These glasses give new meaning to shake, rattle and roll : : Red Envelope Fall 2007
3. Cat clocks, $75 : : Minute by minute, whisker by whisker : : Artful Gifts : : Fall Gift 2007
4. Sterling Poker Cuff Links, $75 : : Talk about wearing your heart on your sleeve : : Red Envelope Fall 2007
5. Belted Shawl Collar Cardigan, $88 : : Keeping fall under wraps - I like it in redwood : : Eddie Bauer Fall Favorites
Friday, September 21, 2007
Order up
While I love my logs, when it comes to actually placing an order I usually turn to my computer. I mean calling and actually speaking to a person so ruins it. And those little forms in the middle -- is form-a-phobic a word?
But apparently I'm not alone. I've read that more than 4 in 10 catalog sales are completed online. Why call, when you can click?
But apparently I'm not alone. I've read that more than 4 in 10 catalog sales are completed online. Why call, when you can click?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Pottery Barn's paper trail

Speaking of wood... ever wonder how many trees Pottery Barn was killing with it's log-a-mania? Turns out not as many as I thought.
First, I love Pottery Barn and show that love by ordering the occasional table or bed linen. I even visit PB outlets in Virginia or Pennsylvania, thereby violating my solemn yet seldom-followed pledge to avoid retail establishments. In return, Pottery Barn showers me with love by sending catalog after catalog after catalog. Pottery Barn Bed & Bath. Pottery Barn White Sale. Pottery Barn Kids. Pottery Barn Doors.
But recently I discovered a little green box on the back page touting PB's commitment to using only paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. What does that mean? Well, PB says the paper they use comes from responsibly harvested forests that meet strict environmental standards. Now, I wonder if they use soy inks?
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Wooden logs

Catalog porn is not quite my thing. I get enough of a carnal rush just looking at Thomas Moser's furniture catalog. I don't need real wood to get off.
But some people do and I respect that. For them, International Male catalog is a must-have. I haven't been on their mailing list since college, but this
New York Times article (from their T Magazine on men's fashions) brings back giggly memories of girls gone wild.
But some people do and I respect that. For them, International Male catalog is a must-have. I haven't been on their mailing list since college, but this
New York Times article (from their T Magazine on men's fashions) brings back giggly memories of girls gone wild.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Working is so overrated, but cookies aren't

The Catalogette needs a little sugar after a day at the salt mines. I need Cheryl.
No, I'm sadly hetero, so that's not my girlfriend on the side. But it is my sweet rush.
Cheryl & Co makes one of the best-tasting cookies you can order from a catalog. Try the cut-out cookies, they are my favorite.
Dinner plus a discount

What's for dinner? OK. That's a totally obscene question since breakfast was, like, two minutes ago. But last night while I was thumbing through Cooking Light's September magazine, looking for something to impress the neglected hubby, I came across a 15% discount coupon for Eddie Bauer. Cooking Light is like five bucks, so even if you only save shipping/handling on your order (which can be pricey at EB), it's worth it.
But the discount is only good until October 1, so get your log on now! Here's the code: COOKLHT09.
UPDATE: I also spied a Coldwater Creek coupon to save $25 on a purchase of $100 or more. Now that's cart worthy, for sure.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The mother of all catalogs

Sears catalog always seems so 70s to me. Probably because when I was growing up, it was my mom's favorite. Which means I have far too many memories of Garanimals. Sooooo degrading. For the animals, too.
So what should I find buried in my pile of logs, but a Searsbook called Simply Indoors. And let me tell you, a happy surprise it was. The catalog seems to have matured into something more sophisticated and trendy than I recall. The photography is better, the styling is cool, the product line looks totally modern, especially the Ty Pennington designs.
Sears' first catalog was published in 1893. So for a log that's more than 100 years old, I'd say you've come a long way, baby.
Fall catalog blitz begins

Well, since I just started this blog today, I have technically missed the start of the fall catalog season. Those slick logs have been dropping since the middle of August. I can't remember who was first - I think Land's End, but could have been Crate & Barrel. Since then, I've seen Pottery Barn, Eddie Bauer, Ballards, Restoration Hardware, Home Decorators, Viva Terra, JJill, Frontgate, Hammacher Schlemmer, JCPenney, Spiegel, Talbots, Pottery Barn again. And many more I just can't remember...I'll let you know after I wade through the stack.
But I can say that purple seems to be a common fashion thread. From plums to raspberries to lavenders to royally purped out. I particularly liked the Lands End Sweater Destination log (landsend). Those fluffy sweaters with argyle are hard to resist. (But I will. I have a budget, darling.)
Welcome to my log blog
You know how some people think catalogs are junk mail? I think those people are crazy! I love catalogs - or logs, as my green-thinking husband says snarkily. Well, they may not be environmentally correct, but neither is burning up all that fossil fuel flocking from shopping center to strip mall and back again.
I'd rather shop from home and avoid the mall rats. And I do. Way too often for a gal on a budget. But, hey, shopping is my addiction and catalogs are my crack.
So I've decided to share my love of logs with a blog about everything catalog-related. Because although everyone should shop from home, no one should shop alone. So I'll be here and I hope you'll come back and visit.
I'd rather shop from home and avoid the mall rats. And I do. Way too often for a gal on a budget. But, hey, shopping is my addiction and catalogs are my crack.
So I've decided to share my love of logs with a blog about everything catalog-related. Because although everyone should shop from home, no one should shop alone. So I'll be here and I hope you'll come back and visit.
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