If only we all had time to stay at home and bake cookies. Most of us don't. Which makes us mad. But then we eat a stale, store-bought brownie and move on. At the holidays, food gifts are plentiful - lots of pots o gold to go around. But why not go a bit more out of the ordinary in your grub giving? Take a bite out of these tasty items I found in my holiday crop of special order food catalogs.
1. Fanny May Pixies : : Like Turtles on steroids. Chocolate, caramel, pecans. Crunchy addiction that's better to give than receive : : $29.99, fanniemay.com
2. Royal Pears and Honeybell Oranges : : Naturally juicy and oh so healthy. Aim your order to arrive in January when everyone's trying to kickstart their diets. : : Pears at harryanddavid.com; honeybells at ceebeescitrus.com
3. Olive Press Infused Olive Oil : : Olives with a twist. Freshly pressed and grown onsite at their farm in Sonoma, California. Choose from basil walnut or blood orange or liminato or many, many more. : : $18, theolivepress.com
4. Peet's Holiday Coffee : : Peet's holiday blend is eagerly anticipated, but any of their coffees (or teas) would be a good pick. Major Dickason's is my fave. : : $9.95-$12.95 per pound, peets.com
5. Collins Street Fruitcake : : OK. We know all the jokes, but some people appreciate an old-fashioned fruitcake (think grandma). And this Texas bakery delivers the best you've ever not tasted. : : $21.85, collinstreet.com
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