Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Catalog crusaders

It's holiday season, so I knew it wouldn't be long till someone started bitching about the number of logs in their box. That bitch turns out to be the Natural Resources Defense Council. Some of their greenie friends have created a web site where the whiners can go to "opt out" of specific catalogs. No, I'm not naming it, but you can get it here.

So far LL Bean, Lands End, Pottery Barn and Victoria's Secret are the logs most people chose to opt out of. I guess people don't realize that several catalogs, including Pottery Barn and Victoria's Secret, now use recycled paper.

I really don't have a problem with the environment. I love fresh air, clean water and polar bears. (Especially that little Knut in Germany.) But I hate getting saddled with a guilt trip because I enjoy catalogs. So what if it takes 53 million trees to produce them. I've planted like six trees in my yard this year - that should help.

If I didn't have catalogs, I'd spend every weekend driving from mall to strip plaza to outlet center just to browse. How much gas would that burn? I'm guessing alot of fossils, fools.

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